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Dealing with Long Covid

I’ve had Long Covid for over 3 years, while I’ve experienced progress since my condition worsened in 2021, I continue to relapse and experience worsening symptoms off and on. Unfortunately, I’m currently experiencing another one, it’s severe and my mental health has taken a nose dive. I often wonder how long I can deal with this, it’s become all encompassing.

I stumbled across this app on a site listing support groups for chronic illness, and I thought this may be a good place to find others and occasionally vent. #longcovid #Anxiety #Depression #PTSD

Picture: Hibiscus in my backyard

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Okay, so I feel more able to summarize now

My father-in-law, who lived with us, passed away late last Sept. after our whole household got COVID. Later that fall, we found out that my father had Parkinson’s and cancer.
My dad chose to not get treatment and has been eating less and less over the last 6 months. He’s now in hospice care and probably won’t make it much longer. He’s also refusing to see me and my brothers, which is a very confusing thing to be dealing with.
The other things/situations that are going on are harder for me to explain, so I think I’ll wait on those.
I think I’m sharing all this to find some support. I’m just not sure the best way for me to handle everything I’m currently going through. Thank you for listening.


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I’m new here!

Hi, my name is ErivJr. I'm here because I have Long Covid, and have been ill for over 3 years.


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I'm new here!

Hi, my name is Dukesmb. I'm here because since Covid & lockdown when I experienced much anxiety I’ve lost my confidence, changed completely from the outgoing person I was & struggle to get anything done, even going for a short walk when sun is shining. Don’t value or appreciate life anymore. It’s tough. I know I’m not the only one

#MightyTogether #Anxiety #Depression

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Dealing with Mystery Minor Chronic Illness #ChronicFatigue #MentalHealth #ChronicIllness #Undiagnosed

October of 2016 was the beginning of a new normal for me, far before COVID-19 had started. It was a time of grief, sorrow, and bargaining. It was when I had obtained my mystery minor chronic illness. Mystery because I’ve had my tests done, and they all came out 100% fine. Minor because I am still able to carry out my day-to-day activities. And chronic because from one point forward, I had to deal with loss of energy and concentration for everyday of my life.

Countless times have I been told that nothing was wrong with me, and all of these are mere signs of anxiety. However, my change in physical appearance and internal sensation tells me otherwise. Drastically, I had become paler, weaker, and more tiresome. It was clear to me that something had changed. What it was - I was not certain for sure.

Dealing with mysteries can be unsettling because there is no definite answer. Not even science - the discipline which purports to know a lot of things - could tell me what I was facing. This had forced me to fight and cope using my own means. And for eight years, I have built a set of coping tips that I would like to share about today.

1. Gratitude

I keep a gratitude journal where I list things I am grateful for each day. This helps me focus on the positives despite the sea of negative feelings. In it, I list down all my blessings, however minor. It helps me realize I have a lot to be thankful for.

2. Exercise

With chronic fatigue, it may seem counterintuitive to exercise, but exercise helps release endorphins and maintains good chemical balance in the brain. Even simple walking can help lighten one’s mood, so I highly recommend this.

3. Friendships

Keeping close friends helps distract me from wallowing, as I shift my focus on others instead of just myself all the time. They also help me lower my feelings of anxiety whenever I rant to them. Just be careful not to rant too much because that will just bring the mood down.

4. Reframing

Self-blame is common with chronic illness, but we must realize that some things are beyond our control. Reframing thoughts can help shift our focus on things we can still do rather than things we cannot do.

5. Rest

After a day or some hours or some minutes of hard work, it can be rewarding to get some rest. Rest is the universal reset, which not only resets my energy levels, but also resets my mood.

6. Hobbies

Having hobbies are a great form of satisfaction because you can achieve small things during your free time, whether it is a new stuff toy you sewed or a new song you learned to play.

7. Moving Forward

My motto is “Keep moving forward.” This means that we mustn’t keep feelings of regret or other negativity from past experiences. Moving forward means that we forget about small things, and focus on things that build us and make us better people.

With all these tips, dealing with chronic illness has become easier and more manageable for me. It is never easy, but baby steps such as those listed above help me get through my day, week, month and year. I hope that even as cliche as all my tips sound, it can help reinforce the idea that these tips do work. I assure you that as long as you keep following these tips, and your own coping strategies, you are on track to be a much better self. A lot of times it is hard, but the silver lining is that we emerge stronger, braver, and more empathetic in the end.

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Hi. I'm new here, I have a group of children who I took from the street and I'm helping them to get some education and also good shatter, food and sleeping place.
Some of those children lost their both parents doing the COVID-19 in Liberia.
So it's also good to be part of your group so we all can work together.
Thanks for your understanding.

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Homeless children needs help

Some children in my country need helping hand to find shatter, food and good education.
Those are children who there parents died doing the COVID-19 pandemic in Liberia West Africa.

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Covids role in the drastic increase of autoimmune diseases the past 3 years

Hey all! Is anyone here struggling with long covid? I recently wrote a psychological research paper for my psychology class on the anatomy behind long covid and the drastic rise in autoimmunity rates it has caused throughout the world. Would anyone be interested in reading this? Let me know and I will publish it on here! Many mind blowing facts and research on the topic.

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